
Hello, welcome to my about page! My name is Aurora O. Young and I would love for you to join me on the journey of fulfilling a lifelong dream to be an artist who shares their purpose with other creative people.

My journey as an artist and watercolor enthusiast has been long and winding. I’ve been painting for over 20 years.

I’ve always been drawn to bright colors and interesting subjects. My artwork is an expression of my love for the natural world, but also a celebration of life.

I’ve taken many classes over the years and am currently taking more advanced classes to further hone my skills.  My favorite classes were at the Art Students League in NYC. They did wonders for my confidence and technique. And the rest I learned from experience.

I’ve had numerous one-man exhibitions throughout the country. My work has also been included in juried shows and exhibitions in major metropolitan areas across the US.

Who is Aurora O. Young

About Aurora O Young

I think three words would describe me perfectly: artsy, passionate, and cat mom. Okay, those are four words, but my cat Frida is sometimes my biggest motivator, so she takes up more space!

I started off as a kid who loved painting with watercolors. I would take the little plastic bottles of paint that we got at school and use them to draw on paper – and sometimes, if I was feeling particularly adventurous, on the walls in my bedroom.

Needless to say, my mom wasn’t thrilled about this!

At some point, I decided that I wanted to be an “artist” when I grew up. But what did that mean? 

How could someone become an artist?

That was when everything changed for me: it was then that I discovered online art communities like deviantART and Tumblr, where people were sharing their work and discussing techniques with each other.

It was here where I learned about all kinds of mediums, from oil paints to acrylics to graphite pencils; here where I began experimenting with different drawing styles; here where I found my inspiration.

From there on out, it’s been a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs (and more than a few duds). But through it all, watercolor has stayed by my side — it’s always there whenever I need it most.

Why watercolors?

I found out that watercolor is one of the most challenging mediums because there’s no way to erase your mistakes or cover them up with paint as you can do with a pencil or markers.

But what makes watercolor so great is its ability to create something beautiful from the messiest mistakes!

And once you get used to this idea, it becomes much easier to work with watercolors because they’re so forgiving in nature—you just have to learn how they behave differently than other mediums do before becoming confident enough in yourself as an artist!

It’s been a joyous journey so far! Watercolors have taught me so much about myself as an artist, but also as an individual—it has made me more confident in my abilities and more aware of how much potential there is within me.

This is why I would love to share all that I’ve learned about this craft, so you can become the artist you want! And If I can save you some mishaps that I had, well, it’s a win-win!

How can AOY Art Center help you?

I created the AOY Art Center as an online resource for adults and youth to provide a safe environment for you to explore your creativity.

I offer art lessons and tutorials, as well as an online community where you can connect with others who share your interests and ambitions.

Whether you’re looking to get better at painting or drawing, or if you want to bring out your creative side, we have the tools and resources you need.

You can also find inspiration in our articles, where you might even discover a new hobby along the way!

I believe that art is about more than just the finished product: it’s about the process, too.

From sketching out your ideas to working through all the steps to make them come to life, art is all about taking risks and trying new things that might not work out the way you planned them.

That’s why I’m here – to give you a place where you can experiment freely in order to find your own unique voice as an artist.